Friday, October 1

A few things of worth

'Lo. Again, a big gap between posts, but I have a few things to mention. So let's crack on shall we?

Biggest news was probably my completing the Great North Run on Sunday, in a reasonable-for-a-fatty 2 and a half hours. All was in the aid of the Stroke Association, a good cause I'm sure you'll agree (stroke's Britain's third biggest killer, don'tchaknow?). I'd love to show you a picture of me triumphantly crossing the line or something but a) I'm not sure such a thing exists and b) I'm too much of a webmong to know how to do that even if it did.

So, aching legs aside, has there been owt worth a mention in the last week? Well, contrary to the previous post I have actually been watching some of the extras on my Star Wars DVD. The outakes at the ends of the mini-documentaries were very amusing, as was the chance to see the original cinema and TV trailers from 1977 (a fine, fine year for oh so many reasons) - odd that the 1997 re-realease trailer (I'm presuming it's the American one) was as dull and staid as the 27-year old ones. I seem to remember seeing the trailer for the new editions in the cinema at the time and being quite excited by the whole thing. Maybe I was just an excitable 20-year old at the time (do we see why I like 1977 so much now? Yes that's right, I'm a huge Ash fan. Arf).

However, my favourite of the whole package (so far anyway) has been the previously unseen still photos taken during production. There's an awful lot of human element stuff in there which you can't help laughing at (Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher laughing in the background as Harrison Ford goes for a serious take etc.) and quite a bit of interesting background history - I'd never heard of the escaped Wampa sequence from the start of Empire before. There is also an awful lot of we-know-what-you're-here-for money shots of Carrie Fisher in the gold bikini, but hey, do you hear me complaining? Tried to find a link to a picture of that costume but, through the power of Google image search, I'm not sure if I wouldn't have ended up linking to a p0rn site. Is it just me or is that a bit sinister and wierd?

Anyway, what else of interest has there been on the intermaweb? Well, I've been going back to that Radio 1 Welsh sessions website I linked to for the GLC below and looking at the other bands listed and I've found a little gem. A rocking Welsh three-piece by the name of Goatboy (go here for the Radio 1 stuff). Unfortunately, according to their website, they're no longer together, but you do at least have a chance to download some stuff that they've recorded but never finished (I particularly recommend 13 Women and The Orange Inn). I have their CD on order on Amazon and may well report on that when it arrives. If I can be arsed.

Right, better get off. Am in glamorous New Yoik for business next week, so expect another monster gap between posts and, perhaps, some exciting stories when I return...