Friday, July 6

Well, not quite as bad this time...

As it's only 11 months since the last post. Anyway, an event occurred tonight as Mrs Squidstew and I enjoyed our evening repast that made me think of one of my first ever posts here at Blogger's corner. Much as it shames me to admit, Eastenders still frequently features on the television while we're eating tea, consuming rubbish through both the eyes and the mouth, you could say (although of course, our bodies are temples and nary a trans-fat nor processed food item passes our lips).

So what happened was one character remarked to another about what had occurred over the last 6 weeks that he'd been away. Look, don't ask for details, I'm embarrassed enough that I'm even talking about this as a subject as it is, OK? Anyway, so he's saying '6 weeks...blah blah blah...cor blimey, get orf me barra etc etc' and I thought to myself 'was it really six weeks since his dramatic exit?'.

And then it hit me. Well, two things hit me. If it was really 6 weeks, those 6 weeks had gone awfully quickly. And then, the next thing to hit me was - is that really any way to measure how your life is passing by? How the inevitable swinging of the great cosmic pendulum ceaselessly shaves off second after second from your ever dwindling fund? By what happened between beats of pointless storylines on a pointless soap opera? Is this what I've come to? I nearly plunged my fork into my own eye, just to end it all.

Oh well, enough of that. I'm on Facebook now. Why don't you come and be my friend? I'm a bit mystified about what it's all about as I only signed up today, but we'll see how it all works out.


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