Tuesday, August 17

The TV's still on, the typing's still shocking...

Alright there, clarts? Safe as? You knows it!

...Well indeed, and many of you may be asking what brought on this sudden burst of Cod Jamaican-Newport patois. Well, I can tell you. Your humble correspondant has recently discovered the joys of the Goldie Lookin Chain. Who? Hard to explain but you might be best to go and look at youknowsit.co.uk. The flash-based 'Hi-Tec' section is obviously pretty cool, but you should also check out the old-school bit, where there's some MP3s that I suspect that will probably never get issued properly and that are worth downloading (particularly 'Thru Space and Time' and 'The Alchemist'). Also, follow the link to the BBC sessions stuff as well - there's some great GLC live tracks (more if you use the menu option at the bottom) and also a really cool session from Optimas Prime. Two things I should say about the GLC before I move on to a new subject:

a) They are very rude, so please don't follow the above links if you're easily offended
b) I was into the GLC before Radio 1-based gimp Scott Mills started playing 'Guns Don't Kill People...' fairly regularly. Not much admittedly, but I was, so there. I'd hate you to think my music tastes were influenced by the prattling goon, or that I even listen to him except under duress.

So, anyway, as hinted in the title, yes the TV is on in the background - the BBC's coverage of the Olympics, no less. You've got to love the Olympics, if only for making you momentarily interested in sports you'd otherwise never give the time of day: yer shootings, yer archerys, yer three-day eventing, yer (God help me) synchronised divings and even yer gymnastics. Quite why I should care about how well a sparrow-boned Romanian can prance around a square or throw herself over some bars I don't know, and what on earth is going on with the scoring is beyond me, but it most definately is compulsive viewing.

Blogging being what it is , I should probably have included some links in amongst that lot but frankly, if you can't find info about the 'Lympics on the internet right now, maybe you should just think about taking your computer back to Curry's...That said, I tried searching for the rules to the Madison the other day and just ended up with a headache. It's something to do with cycling and it's very confusing, OK? Let's just leave it at that.

Anything else that I had plans to mention? Well, inspired by the late, lamented Malevole.com (don't look for it, it's not there any more, kids) I've started spotting odd items that have been left in strange places in supermarkets. Latest that stuck in my mind being the feather duster in amongst the frozen peas - I can only grasp at the thought processes that must have been involved: 'Now what did I come here for? It's a big shop, I must be able to find what I need. Ah yes! Feather dusters! My house is very dusty, I'll go home and give it a quick dust. Dust, dust, dust, that's all I'll do. No hang on, wait! What was I thinking? It wasn't a duster I came here for, it was some frozen peas! Mmmmm, lovely peas. Get out of my basket, feathery duster! Begone from my sight!' Next step is to start taking my digital camera to the supermarket, but I think that might be taking things too far...

Finally, first in a probably once-only or at least pretty rare series here at Squidstew - phrases and mixed-up word spoonerisms that annoy me for no apparent reason!:

People who say 'Pacific' when they mean 'Specific' (and say 'Atlantic' when they mean 'Vague', no doubt, arf)!

People who say 'Momento' when they mean 'Momentum'!

People who mix up words like 'energy' and 'force' (I'm looking at you, Martin Brundle)!

People who say things like 'The tyres what the team have chosen' (I'm looking at you, Mark Blundell)!

Right, that's quite enough of that. Time for bed. Ta-ra!


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